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  • michaelrocchi5

Will Roe be a Catalyst

If Roe v Wade is Overturned, will the ruling be the catalyst for reversal of other rights on the basis of privacy?

*As usual, this a site where I like to write stories to bring attention to issues affecting my community. This is my voice in free-write form and not an academic paper or publication.

TL:DR - a minute summary of Roe & current events

Roe v. Wade was the Supreme Court’s landmark 1973 decision in favor of Jane Roe, granting women the Constitutional right to abortion without any government interference. Well, with the leaked opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito, it looks the land’s Highest Court is set to overturn that decision. So, what does that mean? First, if Roe is overturned, about 26 states have trigger laws that would automatically go into effect banning abortion or limiting access to abortion and reproductive care in general. Some states, such as Louisiana, have drafted legislation to warrant abortion as a homicide, criminalizing abortion providers. A few other states have passed or are planning to implement legislation criminalizing many different aspects of reproductive care. This is dangerous and will have dire consequences, especially for the most vulnerable amongst us.


There is considerable speculation around what other legislation the Supreme Court will overturn next with their 6-to-3 conservative super majority. Many experts believe the Court will come for contraception, gay marriage, and even interracial marriage. Personally, I am not surprised by this since I don’t view anti-abortion activists as necessarily “pro-life.” If they were “pro-life” they would not vehemently oppose social services and safety nets that assist individuals, families, and communities in this country. If they were so “pro-life” they would not be defunding our public schools, vilifying the trans community, calling gay people pedophiles, and so on. For myself, being anti-abortion is being pro-control. This kind of control will keep low-income families in a continued cycle of poverty, which will force them to continue to work for low wages. This is seen every day, with corporations are raking in record profits while wages are still stagnating. This is just one example of controlling the most vulnerable of poor and working-class individuals and communities.

Will they come for gay marriage?

I undoubtedly imagine they will. Currently in the state of Texas there is legislation drafted to reverse same-sex marriage, if the decision were left to the states to decide. If Roe is overturned, I absolutely believe states will start drafting legislation making same-sex marriage illegal, if left to those states. And this homophobic dog whistle will be received by the High Court, queueing them to review a case. For now, I believe that most marriages in states that have democratic governments – (small d since it would take all the branches of a state government to pass legislation), will be okay, but I do strongly believe if the conservative right retakes Congress and the Presidency they will implement cruel and calamitous legislation in the name of freedom. We have a political party poised to steal basic human rights from women, Black and Brown people, the LGBTQ+ community, and other vulnerable communities. What kind of freedom is that?

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