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  • michaelrocchi5

Everybody say GAY!

Happy Valentine's Day! Although we get lost in the consumerism of Hallmark card holidays, I have a lot to celebrate this Valentine's Day. Billy and I have been together for almost seven years. It has been a thrilling roller coaster ride, and it has been wonderful having each other by our sides. This past Thursday, Billy found out he passed his OB/GYN board exam, and now he is a board-certified physician - a huge accomplishment! I am so proud to witness his hard work coming to fruition, and I am honored to be his fiancé.

Another reason we are celebrating is that - after 3 years of engagement - we have finally set a wedding date! October 2023, we will finally tie the knot! So far, planning has been a breeze, and it has been such a joy to share ideas about our upcoming nuptials.

The reason I want to share these joyful moments is because there is legislation being introduced in Florida and seven other states to limit the discussion of sexual orientation or gender identity in public schools. These bills, dubbed "Don't Say Gay" bills, are being introduced under the guise of parental rights in education. These proposed laws deem learning about sexual orientation and gender identity as age-inappropriate. This is harmful to children in a multitude of ways.

Our pup, Pennie

This type of legislation is harmful to all involved: the physical and mental health of children, regardless of their sexual orientation; to parents, especially same-sex parents; and teachers caught in the middle. This type of legislation prevents an important educational discussion of tolerance and acceptance, something that has been exacerbated by our country's political divide.

Billy and I don't have a child, but under this type of legislation they would not be able to talk to their friend's about their father's triumphs and joys. Under this type of legislation, the Pulse massacre that cold-bloodily killed 49 people and injured 53 more will not be able to be talked about in schools. The largest mass shooting in Flroida history, targeted at a group for expressing who they are, would not be talked about because it might make some parents uncomfortable.

A good friend of mine phrased this very wisely, and it resonated strongly with my lived experience. He spoke about how for two decades he was unsure of who he was, and he constantly questioned his identity because there was not significant representation for LGBTQ+ kids to see themselves in the world around them. Under this legislation, politicians are trying to erase the advances that have been made. According to The Trevor Project, one LGBTQ+ identifying individual age 13-24 attempts suicide every 45 seconds. Under these proposed gag laws, I worry that this horrifying statistic will grow and contribute to a further increase in mental health issues facing the LGBTQ+ community.

At the end of RuPaul's Emmy award-winning show, she closes with the line "If you can't love yourself, how in the hell are you going to love somebody else?" Under this legislation, another generation of children will be kept from learning to accept themselves.

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