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  • michaelrocchi5

“One Nation Under Guns”

This week, while brainstorming what this today’s story would be about, I could not stop thinking of the tragic school shooting in Uvalde, Texas. I could not stop thinking of the grieving parents of these young babies. I could not stop thinking of the families of the teachers, who had to attempt to defend their students. I could not stop thinking of my sister, who’s a second-year, kindergarten teacher. I can’t help but feeling grief albeit feeling completely numb.

Why is America obsessed with guns?

In this country it’s easier to obtain a lethal firearm than acquiring a driver’s license, getting healthcare, or having an abortion amongst many other things that require a license or are regulated. And in many states like Texas, legislatures are trying to make it easier to access guns. It’s the end of May and there have been almost 300 mass shootings in the United States. Why are we the anomaly, leading the world in guns related deaths? Why don’t we want to regulate these lethal weapons? Why do our legislatures continue to let us die at the hands of violent white supremacist? Why don’t they care? These are all questions I have been harping over, while helplessly seeing the faces of more fdead children. Gun violence is now the leading cause of death for children. Why is America so obsessed with guns and why are we so numb to death?

Who’s next?

As I read about the unfortunate luck of the families that have to go through this unrelenting and lasting grief and trauma, I thought of the many families that came before them, and the many families that are yet to experience this agony. I kept thinking of the safety of my sister, who is the most wonderful teacher and feels guilt from missing a day away from her classroom. How can we call this the land of the free, when we have to constantly fear extreme gun violence? As pride season approaches, it’s terrifying to think that we have to have out guard up in case an extremist wants to commit violence against our community because they don’t think we should exist. When people have unfettered access to unregulated guns, they’re given permission to play god and commit heinous crimes against humanity. We can’t go to the movies, the mall, school, bars, almost any public places without having gun violence in the back of our heads. Amanda Gorman’s tweet this week sums up our country – “The truth is, one nation under guns.”

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