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  • michaelrocchi5

Waking up in Vegas

This past weekend, I had the privilege to compete in a nationwide LGBTQ+ athletic tournament in Las Vegas, Nevada! The organization that runs the tournament, Varsity Gay League, offers 26 different sports for athletes to play, my team played kickball. There were over 50 teams competing from over 28 cities.

We arrived in Las Vegas early Friday morning and returned to Philadelphia late Monday into Tuesday morning.

While there, we competed in four kickball games total. The first three, in round robin competition on Saturday. The fourth game was played in tournament elimination style on Sunday. Unfortunately, in a very dramatic game, we were eliminated Sunday.

Our game on Sunday started off very well, we were up the entirety of the 5 innings. In the final inning, the opposing team tied up the game 2-2! Under these circumstances, the game went into sudden death extra innings. I'm not going to bore you with the confusing rules of sudden death, but the game was dramatic! We ultimately met our fate and were eliminated, but we played a great game, and our opponents were a fun, competitive, and sportsman team.

This tournament was a great opportunity to explore Vegas and hang out with friends in a different setting. When we were not at the fields, we ate at many cool restaurants, including the award-winning Momofuku, that originated in NYC. I did not gamble much, but a few of my friend won some money! It was a very exciting experience to walk around the strip and see the different casinos and venues. I would recommend going for a weekend, and I look forward to going again next year. Hopefully we win a few more games!

Until next time, Vegas!

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